The Cup Collective has partnered with TrackerSack to offer a simple app-based system using barcoded sacks that provides complete transparency of the cup collection process and precise data to facilitate performance management and on-going improvement.

Features and Benefits
Live tracking of end-to-end process via custom branded and secure web portal.
Stock management and automatic
re-ordering for empty sacks.
Provision of exact weights (to 0.1kg) for collected sacks.
Automated solution to identify and report on contamination.
The Cup Collective sack tracking system is accessible to all participating Collection Schemes. The Find a Collection Scheme section highlights those particpating Collection Schemes offering this service.
How Does It Work?

Account structure

Empty sack distribution

Full sack collection

Preventing contamination

Optimising performance

Account structure

The system enables a customizable account hierarchy, establishing clear relationships between stakeholders through a simple parent-child structure.
The Cup Collective acts as the Master Distributor, facilitating the creation of an account structure that meets the needs of Collection Schemes and their end-user customers.
Real-time data is available at every level of the account hierarchy, ensuring full transparency throughout the end-to-end process.

Empty sack distribution

Using a simple app, empty sacks are scanned and allocated when delivered at each level of the account hierarchy, providing real-time visibility of empty sack stock levels.
Minimum stock levels can also be set to automate orders for new empty sacks, ensuring availability at all times.

Full sack collection

Using the app, full sacks can be scanned at any collection point, recording the precise time and GPS location of collection. Each sack is individually weighed, providing exact weight to 0.1kg.
All sack data, including collection details and weight, is instantly uploaded to the secure management information portal, accessible by authorized users.

Preventing contamination

During the collection process, when full sacks are scanned, the system allows for reporting contamination.
If contamination is identified, a photograph of the affected sack is taken, and the type of contamination is specified from a pre-defined drop-down menu.
An automated message, including the photographic evidence, is generated and sent to the responsible end user, along with any corrective measures defined by their Collection Scheme.

Optimising performance

All data is accessible through a secure web portal with access restrictions, based on the account hierarchy levels. Real-time summary data is presented on the dashboard, while users can access more detailed reports as needed.
The accuracy and availability of data enable proactive and timely resolution of service issues. Additionally, the process can be continuously optimized to ensure the best operational and commercial outcomes for everyone involved.